grep jason_

Xbox 360 Quick Game Review: Lego Indiana Jones

First there was the awesomeness that was Lego Start Wars, and now they have done it again! Lego Indiana Jones! Legos + awesome classic movies = epic! If you like / LOVE Indiana Jones, then you have to get this game. The gameplay is exactly the same as Lego Star Wars, so if you have played that game, you will feel right at home. It's a great game to play with a friend also, it has a great coop mode, where other players can drop in and out at any time. The AI in the game is a little screwy sometimes but nothing to complain too much about. They took out the nazi's, I'm guessing to be kid friendly, but it would have been nice to kill lego nazis! Oh well. Overall the game is simply fun. The odd thing is that after playing this game, I kept finding myself wanting to build things with legos.
